Soul Gardening
I've never been much of a gardener. Not that I do not have the desire to do so, but I seem to lack the knowledge and skill to accomplish this. This year, however, I'm determined to do better by learning the foundational aspects of gardening. I'd love fresh herbs and whatever vegetables and fruit that can be grown in a limited space.
I've been reading about gardeners who were once in my shoes. I've been taking in knowledge about different kinds of plants, soils, exposure, and bugs required to have a healthy garden. Then I realized, it is the same as the parable given by Jesus Christ. Our lives and especially our inner lives are the root and soil of our soul gardens. We have the ability to choose our experience. Reaping and sowing. We also have the ability to re-arrange our garden according to the laws of change. This spring/summer what changes would you like to see in your life by this time next year? It may take a while before you see the effects in your character, behavior, personality, relationships and even your financial environment. Why? Because we have to sow before we reap, according to the Good Word. This is work done underground. Its the feeding on what we'd like to see - taking knowledge and thinking which includes visualization and planning.
I've definitely got some weeds that I need to have removed. I definitely have some habits that I want to improve on and others I'd like to see less of. Being able to look at ourselves honestly and acknowledge both our growth and areas needed for development is probably what makes a good soul gardener. If our aim is success, we cannot ignore when things in our garden are getting overgrown or overrun. We cannot ignore the bugs that devastate our gardens without seeking out an intervention to conquer them. We need to cultivate constantly and patiently; See what we are reaping or harvesting and then plant or re-plant until we have the perennial view that suits us. I wrote a short story called "Accepting Joy" in which I tried to get across this concept. We create the landscape of our lives by our actions and our relationships. Let's make it a pleasant and serene one!